woman in sunset

My name is Lijana.

My Soul’s Mission is to bring Healing and Loving Presence through my channeling.
More than anything in the world I love to touch other people’s hearts with my Spiritual Gift. I use my psychic abilities and Oracle/Tarot cards as a tool to deliver sacred messages from your Spirit Guides. I would love to invite you to receive your message(s) from Spirit. My readings are unique as they are full of ancient wisdom which I receive from my ancestors. I cherish my spiritual calling because I can reach out to wonderful souls like you.

Ask Your Higher Self

Your Higher Self knows the truth but sometimes it’s hard to see it clearly. I will look into your situation through asking your Spirit Guides as they speak to you…


A surprise from spirit

This is a Blind Reading from your Spirit Guides to empower your Soul . I will be using Tarot/Oracle cards and my psychic abilities. You will receive exactly what you…


Secrets of your subconscious mind

The intention of this reading is to transcend the illusions of the mind (your fears, limiting beliefs or any past memories which caused you pain). In this psychic reading you…


Unlock your fullest potential

For this TIMELESS READING I will use Tarot, Oracle cards , Charms or Candle Wax to channel your Powerful and Sacred Message for your Soul. Your Spirit Guides will uplift…


Angelic Message

Would you like to receive an uplifting , warm and encouraging message from your Angels in which you will be reminded to see yourself through the eyes of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE?!.…



Book your session with Eternal Angel